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About Me

My Story

Hey I’m Hannah, but you can call me Hags. I was born in Maryland and raised in the DC area for the first seven years of my life. I then spent five years living in Geneva, Switzerland which inspired my love for travel and snowboarding. I moved back to the DC area after living in Switzerland and graduated from John F. Kennedy high school. I went on to study at University of Maryland, where I graduated with a B.S. in Astronomy and Applied Mathematics in 2017.

My love for astronomy landed me an internship at NASA Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Alabama studying meteors. During the 8 months that I spent in Alabama, I went hiking or camping almost every weekend with my friends from my internship. 

My love for mathematics landed me an internship at Oak Ridge National Laboratory, a Department of Energy Lab near Knoxville, Tennessee. After my NASA internship ended, I spent the summer of 2018 studying the nonlinear dynamics of chaotic motion at ORNL. I spent my free time enjoying the outdoors: running, hiking in the Smokies, and hanging out in pool floaties at the quarry. 

I moved to Madison, Wisconsin on March 1 2019. I am not a big fan of the cold, so initially I was nervous to live somewhere as far north as Wisconsin. Since moving there, I’ve found many activities that I enjoy and I’ve met some great friends to share in my experiences. I created this website to showcase all of the things that I do here in Madison that make me happy. 

In January 2021, I moved from Wisconsin to Flagstaff, Arizona where I volunteered with the Arizona Conservation Corps for 8 months. I spent 9 days at a time out in the field working on various conservation projects across the state, from working with the BLM in Yuma, AZ putting up signage, to working with the Forest Service in Parks, AZ retrieving tree cones, and working in Petrified Forest National Park building stairs. 

After almost 2 years in Arizona, I was once again compelled to pack up my life and move states, this time to Denver, Colorado in August 2022. Since moving here, I’ve enjoyed shredding the powder at the ski resorts in the winter and summiting 14ers in the summer. 

 Where will life take me next? Check back here for future updates 🙂

My Interests

  • Hiking
  • Running
  • Backpacking
  • Biking
  • Bouldering
  • Camping
  • Kayaking
  • Swimming
  • Traveling
  • Cooking
  • Baking
  • Gardening
  • Snowboarding
  • Photography
  • Postprocessing
  • Sunrises and Sunsets
  • Memes

My Projects

Check out my Instagram page dedicated to my sunrise and sunset photography and timelapses!

I love cooking with fresh, local produce. Check out my recipe page for inspiration next time you make a trip to the farmer’s market!

*Full recipe page is under construction, in the meantime enjoy my recipe for the side dish I brought to Thanksgiving this year

Take a look at my projects page

Contact Me


Instagram: hannahofthenorth_